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Inuvik Fire Department planning door to door visits as part of Fire Prevention Week 2018

Posted on Tuesday October 09, 2018
Community Notice for Door to Door Campaign
Community Notice for Door to Door Campaign

This week, the Inuvik Fire Department will be conducting door to door visits as part of Fire Prevention Week 2018.

They will be checking for working smoke alarms and answering your fire safety questions.

Any questions or concerns should be directed to the Fire Chief by calling the Fire Hall. While we are still experiencing telephone line disruptions this week, please dial 867-777-2669 to leave a message.

Thank you for your consideration and cooperation!


Look.  Listen.  Be aware.  Fire can happen anywhere.


Look for places fire could start. Take a good look around your home.  Identify potential fire hazards and take care of them.


Listen for the sound of the smoke alarm. You could have only minutes to escape safely once the smoke alarm sounds. Go to your outside meeting place, which should be a safe distance from the home and where everyone should know to meet.


Learn two ways out of every room and make sure all doors and windows leading outside open easily and are free from clutter.