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Public Notice:3rd and final reading of the Land Administration Bylaw will be conducted on September 13th 2023.

Posted on Friday August 25, 2023


August 25, 2023

The Town hereby gives notice to all community members that the 3rd and final reading of the Land Administration Bylaw will be conducted on September 13th 2023.
It is important to note that once the bylaw receives second reading, a process must be followed to inform the public. This process is outlined in Section 55 of the CTV Act, which reads as follows:

"55. (1) A land administration bylaw must provide for the procedures and terms and conditions for making any acquisition, disposition, or other activity referred to in subsections 53(1) and 54(1). (2) Before giving third reading to a land administration bylaw, council shall give at least two weeks' public notice of the proposed land administration bylaw."

In accordance with the above provision, the Town is hereby providing the required notice period to the public.

All community members are encouraged to review the proposed Land Administration Bylaw during this notice period.

Proposed Bylaw Review Period: Start Date: August 24, 2023 End Date: September 11th, 2023

During this review period, community members may submit any comments or concerns regarding the proposed Land Administration Bylaw to Michael Trabysh, Senior Administrative Officer.

Details about the Changes:

Please see the document attaced to review the Proposed Land Administration By-Law.

The changes:

The previous Land Administration By-law is from 1995. Administration has reviewed it and found the conditions regarding the buying and selling of Town owned land and the overall administration of Town-owned properties has changed significantly. As a result, a new by-law has been drafted updating it in many ways including the methods of selling properties we own. When the old by-law was drafted, properties (especially residential) were in very short supply and so methods were developed using a lottery system to sell the few remaining ones. With the development of the new areas since then and the current expansion of 58 lots to the residential inventory later this year or early next year some adjustments have been made."

Your input is valuable to us, and we appreciate your participation in this process. Your feedback will be considered during the final reading of the bylaw.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Town Council