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The Town of Inuvik has a Donations Policy which provides guidelines and eligibility requirements for those wishing for a donation of Town assets. The Town does not make cash donations to organizations with the exception of those noted in the Donations Policy.

Not-for-profit groups may request a reduction or elimination of fees from the Town of Inuvik for the use of Town facilities. Any reduction or elimination of fees can only be done by motion of Council. This reduction or elimination of fees shall only be done in exceptional circumstances and will not be granted for licensed events using Town facilities.

Youth and student groups may be eligible to apply for reduced facility user fees up to 50% of the current subsidized rate, provided they show a statement of need and that registration fees are in line with similar groups in the region.  This can be applied to sports tournaments and clinics.

Those requesting a reduction or elimination of fees are reminded that those requests must be submitted at least 21 days prior to the event to allow time to be reviewed and submitted to Council.


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