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Mark your Calendars! The 2019 Bike Rodeo is scheduled for June 11, 12 and 13, 2019!

Posted on Thursday May 16, 2019
2019 Bike Rodeo
2019 Bike Rodeo

This year's Annual Bike Rodeo will take place June 11th, 12th and 13th at East Three Elementary School. School administration will be releasing more information for parents shortly. 



Municipal Enforcement is looking for bicycle helmet and positive ticket program sponsors to assist us with funding.  Last year, Municipal Enforcement successfully handed out 300 free helmets to children and many “tickets” to reward those children spotted wearing their helmets while riding.  If you would like to contribute to these programs, please contact Officer Hogan at 777-8616 or by e-mail



Parents/guardians must ensure they provide their child with a bicycle helmet. Municipal Enforcement has taken to an ‘education before enforcement’ approach when dealing with children not wearing helmets:

  • East Three Elementary School will be including a reminder in its daily announcements and administration will be contacting parents to remind them of the helmet requirement if a child rides their bicycle to school without a helmet on.
  • Peace Officers who stop children not wearing helmets and will contact their parents/guardian. The child will be told to walk their bicycle home and not to ride it until they have a helmet on. 
  • Future contact with a Peace Officer for not wearing a helmet will then force the Officer to escalate from an education to an enforcement approach to address the matter. 

For additional information about helmet requirements in our community, please visit: 

We hope to see you at the rodeo and riding around town with your helmets on this summer!